If your law firm relies on the Internet, wireless connections, mobile devices, laptop computers, and/or other technology, it is increasingly vulnerable to potentially costly cyber exposures. Furthermore, your law firm’s exposure to a data security breach could be worse than you ever imagined. Learn more about Cyber coverage built for law firms!

Cyber Liability

As an attorney, you have an obligation to protect client information and therefore need to secure your computers and computer systems. The Boston Bar Association Insurance Program is excited to bring to law firm coverage designed just for you with Crum & Forster.

Crum & Forster offers comprehensive cyber insurance coverage with three core components to assist entities in managing their computers, privacy, and other related risks.

  • Program provides special endorsements designed for firms of all sizes—solo practitioners, small firms or large firms; coverage is tailored and focused on you
  • Comprehensive cyber liability (third-party) and expense (first-party) coverage
  • Ransomware included up to full policy limit
  • Cyber Liability coverage, including eCrime/social engineering, with loss limits up to $250,000
  • $0 retention for legal and computer forensic services*
  • Business interruption coverage, including systems failure
  • 24/7 access to the Crum & Forster Cyber Knowledge Center with risk management services that include:
    • Cyber Training
    • Cyber Assistance Center
    • Unlimited Advice
    • Incident Response Hotline
  • Broad definition of a cyber event to prevent gaps in coverage between first- and third-party

* When services are recommended by the C&F Cyber Response Team and the insured agrees to utilize vendors nominated by the C&F Cyber Response Team.

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